Frequently Asked Questions About Therapy

How much does it cost?

Fees are $165 per session of individual counselling. With a GP referral, Medicare will refund you $92.90 per session for up to 10 sessions per year. If you are a concession card holder or are struggling financially, please discuss this with me.
You can get access to subsidised therapy via a Mental Health Plan from Medicare. If you would like to work with me as your psychologist, please see your doctor and give them my contact details. They will write a referral to me as your psychologist and you may get access to subsidised therapy through Medicare. Please discuss eligibility for subsidised therapy via Medicare Mental Health Plan with your doctor.

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How do you trust that I'm good at what I do?

Becoming a psychologist is no easy task as it involves at least six years of full time study and placement. Only someone who has successfully done this and has registered with the Australian Health Practitioners Agency (AHPRA), can call themselves a psychologist. I am also a member of the Australian Psychological Society (APS) which is the peak body representing psychologists, and provides resources for therapist development and education. In addition APS requires psychologists to do at least 30 hours of ongoing professional development and supervision per year.

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What can you expect a psychologist to help with?

Psychologists can help with most areas of your life, assisting you to be a better version of yourself. I also work alongside a wide variety of other health professionals in providing client-centred care. People sometime think that psychologists can make unwanted thoughts and feelings disappear and never come back. If only that were true! Instead, I work with you to identify habits that are likely to keeping those thoughts and feelings at the forefront of your thinking, and getting in the way of your life. From this we work together to develop new skills and habits that are better equipped to serve you in the long run.

emotions represented by an iceberg
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